

Best Answer

The best thing to do is...

  1. Research schizophrenia and find out about all the symptoms.
  2. Visit your GP, and act like you have schizophrenia. Hopefully you will be prescribed some anti-schizo drugs.
  3. When on a date with the schizo-suspect slip some of the drugs into their drink/food.
  4. As the relationship progresses you should be able to slip them the drugs more regularly. The schizophrenic symptoms should begin to disappear.
  5. After some time you may feel it has become appropriate to broach the subject with the schizo-suspect. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS. It could be very dangerous.


^^ What are you ON? That is a TERRIBLE idea! Slipping people drugs is illegal and IMMORAL. Get your head checked!

Plus, faking an illness to get drugs will permanently put it onto your medical record, and cause you huge issues. Just don't even go there!

The research part is a good idea, get to know what you will be dealing with and how to cope with it. Don't, however, research it to fake symptoms to a doctor. Sheesh.

If you plan on/can see yourself ever marrying this person, you need to approach the subject VERY delicately. If you don't see yourself ever marrying them then maybe it's not such a good thing to bother with in the first place.

Good luck!

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