if you love him then let him be happy with the girl he loves. besides if its meant to be it will happen in its own time. be patient! or the other way around if you love her then let her be happy.........
god does want you to love you. but he wants you to serve him and love him before anything eles god does want you to love you. but he wants you to serve him and love him before anything eles
i would tell them that i liked him or her but know u like some one eles oh wow
In one situation or another she is being fake.
is to love some one especially, when he does not love you.
yes some one will love you for who you are.
well she is dating some one eles
when you love someone, you make sure you are in love. Than you tell the person you love how you feel.
you can't make some one love horses
Love is something of the spirit . We fall in love when we like someone.
someone i know and someone i miss someone i miss and some one i love
If you were in, what is known as "concurrent possession," you could be charged.
Swing a cactus.