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It is best that both girls know about each other and understand the situation. If one or both girls are oblivious, it is cheating. If they are in an open relationship, and nobody is being hurt, then all is well. Make sure that the girls understand that this is the guy's deception, so rather than fight each other, they should both take it up with him.

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13y ago

If they knew that you liked them then they are no friend. If they didn't, then you could tell them, but that takes balls, man. I mean you could get beaten up big time. Just wait it out, dude. They'll split up eventually.

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Q: What to do if a guy is going out with two girls at same time?
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you don't trust him. the way you are saying about the guy it seems. he is a big cheater. how can a guy have 2 girls at same time. he is cheating at you.

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