consult your tattooist. if he/she is no help, consult a physician.
It is normal for a new tattoo to stay red and swollen for up to a week. You can take Advil for the swelling and apply Aquaphor to help the healing.
Sounds like inflamation which may indicate that there is some sort of infection.
Yes mildly
You don't say where the tattoo is. They shouldn't be swollen unless you got the tattoo under your armpit. I have 14 tattoos and never have had a problem. You may have an infection. Go see a doctor.
I thought it was real at first, but then after a tattoo especially after a big one like the monster logo, it would be swollen.. And his was not swollen.
depending on your skin type a tattoo can stay raised for a very long time depending on the type of tattoo and how gentle your artist was.
The Man with the Red Tattoo has 320 pages.
The Man with the Red Tattoo was created on 2002-05-02.
only if you use blood red
Some of the Symptoms of Tattoo Poisoning are swollen skin and irritation. Other symptoms are flaky skin, rashes and even dry skin.
Let me have a bottle of black ink and you want to do a red tattoo. The ONLY way you can do a red tattoo is to use red ink. No amount of dilution will make black ink red.
it is red