an oiled cloth.........if any dark powder residue showing use a BRASS wire brush to remove dark spots................
because your luger has been nickel plated the value has been depleted. however, it is still a 'shooter' and as such has some value, perhaps $500 or so......
because your luger has been nickel plated the value has been depleted. however, it is still a 'shooter' and as such has some value, perhaps $500 or so......
hand guns , long guns, Air guns , Rifle these are used as a firearms .
Long guns and hand guns.
Long guns and hand guns
Hand guns and long guns.
hand guns, long guns, blackpowder
Long guns and hand guns.
Two: Hand guns and Long guns
21 for Hand Guns. 18 for Long guns.
Only two; hand guns and long guns.
Hand guns and long guns, cannons