Well, a vegen / vegetarain person often eats many fruits (as they cannot eat meat and possible not any animal products, either). But it is not healthy just to eat fruit.
yes a moose eats fruit because it is a herbivore. But a moose only eats fruit in summer and spring
Yes. A carnivore is someone or something that only eats meat. yes, it eats squids and fishes
someone who eats only meat
She eats healthy food . Such as fruit,vegetables and salads but that's not the only food she eats.
Omnivore. Herbivore eats plants only, carnivore eats meat only, omnivore eats all.
People that dont like anything but fruit! Or a Fruitician!
Type your answer here... Tara likes to eat only fruit for breakfast.
The chipmunk would then be a herbivore because it eats only plants and fruits.
a carnivor disum sizit