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Jesus in a manger. He was born from the virgin Mary.

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Q: What to Christians remember at Christmas?
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What shoed christians do early on Christmas day?

Lot's of Christians go to church to remember what Christmas is really about, but it is not about what you "should" or "shouldn't" do. You can do whatever you like, just enjoy the day and try and remember Christmas is about much more than presents.

How is Christmas important to christains?

Christmas is not only a festival but a day to remember the significant event of the birth of Jesus Christ and is the main reason Christmas is important to Christians.

Why is Christmas a thing?

Because it helps Christians (like me) to remember When our beloved Jesus Christ was born!

Why does Germany have Christmas?

Germany has Christmas because some People in Germany are Christians and Christians celebrate Christmas

Does Holland celebrate Christmas?

Christians around the world celebrate Christmas. This includes Christians in Holland.

How christians celebrate Christmas?

There is no one way Christians celebrate Christmas. It is up to the individual to decide how to do that. Most Christians go to Church on Christmas Day and spend the day with friends and family

Who celibrates Christmas?

Christmas was origanally celebrated only by Christians but it is now celebrated by non- Christians as well.

Do Mexicans celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is a Christian festival and Mexico is a secular nation. There are many Christians in Mexico.Hence, Christians in Mexico celebrate Christmas.

Why don't hindos celebrate Christmas?

No. Because there not Christians people that celebrate Christmas are Christians the above answer is right, because christians belive in Christmas and hindus are a different religon, they have celebrations like Christmas though. .eg. divali. xx

Why do people in England celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is celebrated by all christians therefore it can be celebrated naywhere in the world if you are christian and definitely in England

How is Christmas important to Christians?

Christmas is a very important time for Christians because Jesus was a Christian and on Christmas he was said to be born and also the Christians got out of Rome cause they were being torched

Christmas in Denmark?

Yes we have Christmas (well only the Christians).