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From when this is posted it looks like he will be in Canada in about 2 hours. Right now he is in Venezuela.

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Q: What time is santa Claus coming to Canada?
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What time is Santa coming to Montreal in 2010?

He isn't coming to Montreal or anywhere else. Santa Claus is a myth not a reality

When was Santa Claus is coming to Town recorded?

A long time ago

What time is Santa Claus coming to Bernardsville New Jersey?

Santa comes when you are asleep, so get to bed, and NO peeking.

Who is the original singer of santa Claus is coming to town?

you better watch out you better not cry you better not pout I'm telling you why santa Claus is coming to town he's making a list and checking it twice; gonna find out who's naughty and nice santa Claus is coming to town he sees you when your sleeping he knows when your awake he knows if you been bad or good so be good for goodness sake! O!you better watch out you better not cry better not pout I'm telling you why santa Claus is coming to town santa Claus is coming to town.

Did ancient egyptians believe Santa Claus?

I don't think Santa Claus was invented in that time. Possibly, I am like 1000% Sure they do not believe in Santa Claus.

How did Santa Claus become associated with Christmas?

Because Christmas is a time for giving and santa Claus gives

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Is Santa Claus newlywed?

No, Santa has been married for a very long time.

Where does Santa get his name from?

Santa Claus is derived from the Dutch figure Sinterklaas, which itself is a contraction of Sint Nicolaas or Saint Nicholas in English. The name Santa Claus has evolved over time and is now synonymous with the jolly gift-giver associated with Christmas.

Why do Santa Claus have beards?

Santa Claus has a beard because he likes it. It is kind of his style. Sometimes Mrs. Claus convinces him to shave it, but he always grows it back in time for Christmas.

Is Santa Claus living?

Yes, Santa Claus is still alive and well, and practically immortal, so he will be around for a long time yet.

What happens if you don't get your letter to santa Claus in time you have not had time to get to the mall yet Santa Claus in the mall?

well santa clause watches over you all year around and knows what you want for Christmas and the santa at the mall isn't the reall santa, sorry