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Well in most incidents santa will usually land on your roof at 0253 and the presents will be under the tree by 0254 the reason being his magic allows him to be speedy and quick to be able to start going around the world from 0230 and be done by 0330 he starts in Europe travels to Asian then to Africa then to South America Then North America and lastly Canada this has been scientifically proven for an apprx 76 years 4 months and 18 days.

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13y ago
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9y ago

It tends to change from year to year since we have fairly well established he uses time zones to extend the night, time in each zone is not solely based on population but to his list, which only he is privy to. NORAD/US Military has volunteered their services for the children of the world since US not currently in state of war using their most sophisticated defense systems. Search the web for NORAD Santa tracker

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12y ago

A lot of people say two o'clock or three o'clock I think so too!

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13y ago

He comes to your house when you are asleep. You should go to sleep faster in order for him to get to your house quicker. :D

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13y ago

Santa left the north pole at 3am (Central America time) on December 24th.

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