Sports World does not list the store hours on their official website. Usually stores open around 9 AM and will close around 9 PM. Many stores stay open later on weekends.
it closes at 8 and at 6 on weekends
read the doors
it closes at 9:00
the dolphin malls close about half four on weekends and half five on weekdays
9pm on weekdays and 930 on on weekends at least in Texas
The most popular part time jobs for the weekends are those in retail. Many retail stores are busier on the weekends and need extra people to restock and work in the check out lines. Food preparers and waiters/waitresses are other part time jobs that are in demand on the weekends.
The Cricket Store on Nolensville Road in Nashville TN opens at 10 am.
9pm on weekdays and 930 on on weekends at least in Texas
what time dose it close...
9 pm weekdays and 8 pm weekends