Four. Marley"s Ghost, and the spirits of Christmasses, Past, present, and yet to come, therefore Four Ghosts involved. it is practically beyond argument that ( A Christmas Carol) was the ( Scary ghost story) alluded to in the song-the Most wonderful time of the year.
The Ghost of Christmas Past who brought him to the past of his life, the Ghost of Christmas Present who brought him to how will Christmas be like, the Ghost of Christmas Future who brought him to his future.
The Ghost of Christmas Present visits Ebenezer Scrooge at 1 AM.
He appears to Scrooge on Christmas Eve, but the time period of Christmas Yet to Come is unspecified.
In "A Christmas Carol," the Ghost of Christmas Past starts off as cheerful and nostalgic, but becomes stern and serious as the night progresses. The Ghost of Christmas Present is initially jolly and welcoming, but grows increasingly somber and foreboding. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come remains ominous and mysterious throughout the night.
Marley is the first ghost and no time is given. The first two spirits of Christmas were to arrive at 1 in the morning.
There were four ghosts that visited Scrooge that night: the ghost of his dead partner Jacob Marley; the Ghost of Christmas Past, who took Scrooge back in time to Christmases--both good and bad--when Scrooge was younger; the Ghost of Christmas Present, who took him to his nephew Fred's home and the Cratchit's home, to show him how joyously they were enjoying the season, in spite of being poor; and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, who showed him visions of the future relating to Scrooge's own death.
The Ghost of Christmas Past is a representation of Scrooges own past. The light it emits from its head is to to help Scrooge see his way. When scrooge extinguishes that light the ghost time is ended and thus his powers to help scrooge loo back. The Ghost of Christmas Present live for one year and his time on earth ends when his year is up this is normally at the end of 12 night. The Ghost of Christmas yet to come does not loses power it accepts Scrooges oath to keep Christmas and awaits the day if Scrooge breaks that oath
Since when is Scrooge a science-fiction novel? Okay the proper title is ( a Christmas Carol) but everybody recognizes the lead character, Ebeneezer Scrooge. fantasy, certainly, but in no way sci-fi. Scrooge first came out in l843.<what does that have to do with the question that was just asked?))
It is when Scrooge wakes in his own bed - this is especially poignant following the visit og the last ghost when it is Christmas Morning
The four ghosts that visited Ebenezer Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol" are Jacob Marley, the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (or Future). Each of these spirits plays a role in helping Scrooge realize the error of his ways and change his miserly behavior.
In "A Christmas Carol," the time scheme involves the main character, Ebenezer Scrooge, being visited by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come in a non-linear fashion. This allows Scrooge to revisit pivotal moments in his life and see the consequences of his actions. The time scheme serves to show Scrooge the error of his ways and ultimately leads to his redemption.