they wake up very early in the morning just like we wake up early.
They were woken up very early, the worked long hours and ate very little.
The time period that slaves were brought into America was between 1619 to 1789. Most of the slaves came in from 1720.
I should imagine slaves were up at the crack of dawn as were most people in ancient times. There was no electricity so as much work as possible had to be done in daylight.
Manage the big house such as direct slaves by giving them duties/jobs in the morning, since all servants of the household answered to her. Make sure all servants/slaves did their job disciplining if necessary.
Got up at four o'clock, and worked until sunset
they wake up in 5 am at the morning
they get up at 4 in the morning and fight all day!
he wake jp at
4 in the morning
The best time to do pushups when you wake up in the morning is before eating breakfast. This can help wake up your muscles and jumpstart your metabolism for the day.
they sleep in the morning and wake up in the night
about 3 '0clock in the morning
he wake jp at
it opens at2;00 in the morning
slaves worked