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Have him find out you have been telling other girls that "you like him" ...wink at him in class or play footsy, write him a note with a big heart on it. Playfully tease him. Stick up for him against teachers and the other kids. Disarm him with friendship and build trust. The only thing that can stop you is if he is NOT into you...that is unlikely. Most girls can pick any boy they want, they just need to take the initiative to let the boy know YOU like him...however you want to do it. If u wait for him it may never happen. Boys are shy....remember that.

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10y ago
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11mo ago

A guy might try to impress you by showing off his skills or accomplishments, making elaborate plans for dates, or giving thoughtful gifts. He may also pay you compliments, listen attentively to you, or try to make you laugh. Overall, his goal is to make you feel special and valued.

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14y ago

one of the main things you can do to impress a guy you like at school, is by being yourself, there is nothing worse then being a fake!!Or you can try talking about things he like boys like to know when someone agrees......not disagree.i hope this helped,alot

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15y ago

He will try to make you laugh, he might talk about his personal accomplishments to you more than usual. If he plays sports he might hot dog it

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Are you impressed ? then he's trying to impress you. If not, then does it really matter ?

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