Have him find out you have been telling other girls that "you like him" ...wink at him in class or play footsy, write him a note with a big heart on it. Playfully tease him. Stick up for him against teachers and the other kids. Disarm him with friendship and build trust. The only thing that can stop you is if he is NOT into you...that is unlikely. Most girls can pick any boy they want, they just need to take the initiative to let the boy know YOU like him...however you want to do it. If u wait for him it may never happen. Boys are shy....remember that.
The same way you would elsewhere. Different things impress different people, there is no single way to do so.
You shouldn't try to impress anyone. A guy should accept you as you are.
impress him =)
be yourself(: if that can't impress him then maybe he isn't the right guy
Well impress the girl sing to her or make love...
Ok, but guys usually stare, try to be with you and spend as much time with you as possible, and do extremely stupid things to impress you
sleep with him
They wear something that they feel comfortable in or something to impress a guy. They wear something that they feel comfortable in or something to impress a guy.
Be yourself.
Are you impressed ? then he's trying to impress you. If not, then does it really matter ?
I had one week left to impress a guy that i really liked so, i did everything, sports, math, science, social studies, i played flag football with him and his friends all just to impress one guy! It worked though, he asked me out on Friday and i said yes. we have been dating for a year now! Just, do things he likes and sit with him, invite him over, hold his hand, you don't have to wait for him to do it, come on don't be shy!