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do you know them if you do then add them if you dont then dont

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Q: What things should you consider before accepting new friends on facebook?
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Can you have a Facebook when your seven?

Yes, you can have it at any age. But it would be advised as a parent to check his/her friends requests before accepting them.

What funding methods should I consider before accepting a settlement?

You should first consider bank loans. If you want lower interest rates, you can go to your friends and families for funding.

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I THINK the auditor consider should be accept

What do you do if you lose all your friends?

Re-add your friends, or contact Facebook as they may have a backup of your account before your friends disappeared

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health and education

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You have to consider your health status. You have to consider the salary, will it be enough to take care of your problems. You have to consider the working conditions of such jobs.

How can you see a Facebook?

First, you HAVE to have a Facebook Account before you can see anybody's profile.After you have a Facebook Account then you can search for friends, and family.(or anyone for that matter,)Hope this helps!(:-Rachel

Do you have to add friends to your profile if you want a larger mafia in Mafia Wars?

add them first as friends in your facebook account before adding them in Mafia Wars.

When a guys adds all your friends on facebook but not you?

He probably doesn't know you as well as your other friends, and/or he might feel it would be weird to add you before he knows you.

Was MySpace created before Facebook?

Yes Myspace was created before facebook.

What was the name of Facebook before it was called The Facebook?

it was Facebook!

How do you talk to Laura Marano on facebook?

You don't. She doesnt have a public one. She has one from before she was famous that she uses to keep in contact with friends and family.