Thrust: How much power that is being used to go forward. Lift on the other hand: is how much power that is used to gain altitude, like in a rocket ship or a plane.
difference between jaw thrust method and head tilt chin lift method ? which method is suitable for a patient with head or spinal injury
thrust. thrust is how a rocket creates lift. thrust is simply the difference in potential energy between the nozzle and the combustion chamber, the difference creates a pressure differential which causes the rocket to move. To go up the rocket must be perfectly balanced and the rocket frame must be strong enough to withstand and balance the thrust.
what is the difference between thrust and pressure?
No, the upward force on an airplane wing is not thrust. It is actually lift, which is generated due to the pressure difference between the top and bottom surfaces of the wing as the air flows over it. Thrust is the forward force that propels the airplane through the air.
It produces lift and thrust in different ways.
Lift and thrust are necessary for an aircraft to fly. The thrust (from a propeller or a jet) starts it rolling and when enough windspeed is flowing around the wings, it will lift.
lady bugs create lift and thrust when they flap their wings. They creat lift by flapping their wings and then they steer to creat thrust. I hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rockets do not have lift, they have thrust.
Lift is opposite of weight Thrust is opposite drag. When lift >weight plane climbs. If lift < weight you best find a place to land. If thrust> drag you accelerate. If drag>thrust you slow down. High and fast are your friends. Low and slow are out to kill you.
Lift keeps an aircraft up, thrust pushes it forward.
Helicopters generate thrust by using their main rotor blades to create lift and propulsion. As the rotor blades spin, they create a pressure difference between the air above and below the blades, which generates the necessary thrust to lift the helicopter off the ground and keep it airborne.
Lift, weight, thrust and drag.