I'd suggest the distinct difference is one's tolerance to others' opinions arguments, and attitudes insofar one can easily express tolerance of others and be stubborn yet being a tolerant bigot is an oxymoron.
A bigot is someone who holds onto intolerant or prejudiced views towards certain groups, while being stubborn refers to a person's unwillingness to change their mind or behavior. While a bigot's views are often based on intolerance and prejudice, stubbornness can stem from a variety of reasons unrelated to bias.
One synonym for bigot is "intolerant."
The antonyms of bigot could be open-minded, tolerant, accepting, or unbiased.
A bigot is someone who is intolerant of others based on their beliefs or characteristics. A racist is someone who discriminates against others based on their race. While bigotry can encompass discrimination against various groups, racism specifically refers to discrimination based on race.
A synonym for someone who stereotypes could be a "prejudiced person" or a "bigot."
illiberal, bigoted, partial, prejudiced, anti-semitic
Hardheaded and stubborn can mean the same thing. They are synonyms. Hardheaded can also mean realistic and pragmatic, but usually it means stubborn. If someone is stubborn they could be called hardheaded and vis-versa
The difference is between direct communication (You are stubborn) and indirect communication (This is the second time we are unable to reach an agreement). The first is explicit and straightforward, while the second is more subtle and implies the same message without directly stating it.
I am a Bigot
Vincent Bigot was born in 1649.
Vincent Bigot died in 1720.
Paul Bigot died in 1942.
Paul Bigot was born in 1870.
Antoine Bigot was born in 1825.
Eugène Bigot died in 1965.
Eugène Bigot was born in 1888.
Trophime Bigot died in 1650.