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Well you should probably just start a conversation with them and learn more about them and see what you guys have in common then when you feel comfortable around that person just tell them how you feel and if they feel the same way then good for you and if not maybe you guys can just be friends

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14y ago
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11mo ago

Show genuine interest in her thoughts, feelings, and well-being by actively listening and engaging in conversations. Remember important details she shares and surprise her with thoughtful gestures or small gifts. Respect her boundaries, support her goals, and be there for her in both good and challenging times.

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14y ago

be nice and if you try to impress them too much oyu will make a fool out of yourself

Try to do things with them,especially things they like to do. Be considerate , bring them little gifts, like picking some flowers or a favorite treat. Be there for them to listen when they have a problem or an idea they want to share.

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14y ago

Wow im in the same perdicument, well my option was to type an email messaged to the person, if not possible, write a letter or note, saying how you like them, and why you like them, at least it might work for you, not sure about my position.

You could also leave a note saying, "OMG, I think _______ likes you. I'm not sure.", pretending to be a friend. That way you leave them hinting if you like them or not. But, this kind of risky, because if that person doesn't like you, then they might bully you, harass you, or something else to bother you in a bad way.

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14y ago

If he calls you s*it face everyday that means he really likes you. It may seem offencive but he really wants your attention and hopes you'll ask him out(:

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14y ago

to look into her eyes and tell her how beautiful she is and how much you love her and would do whatever it takes to be with her

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Q: What the best way to show a girl that you care?
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