Urine pregnancy test, or blood which s more accate & then if it is positive they'll do a quant level to tell you how far along you are. You'll then be referred to an OB/Gyne for a pap & rouine STD testing
* home pregnancy tests * or the doctor can perform a blood and urine test to check your hCG levels (pregnancy hormone levels)
There are many over the counter pregnancy tests offered such as EPT or FirstResponse. Each claim a similar success rate of 99 to 99.9% accuracy. These tests, however, are not the final say. The doctor's office has more accurate ways of testing a woman for pregnancy and can confirm a pregnancy in the most reliable sense.
yes but more likely not to be you should go check with a doctor
Go to the doctor to get a real test.
There are always pregnancy tests that can show up negative and you can still be pregnant. The best thing to do is check with your doctor and ask for a pregnancy test. Remember though even the doctor's test can even be wrong. There is not one single pregnancy test that is always 100% correct.
The one the doctor gives you but for home pregnancy tests they are pretty equal.
Maybe. A doctor can do a variety of tests, including urine tests, blood tests, and ultrasound. Sometimes a blood test will show a pregnancy that doesn't yet show up in a urine test.
if you have been confirmed as pregnant by the doctor - it is still possible in these early stages of pregnancy for tests to come back negative, i would check with the doctor to be sure.
This is possibly due to the prenatal vitamins you are taking. Your doctor probably has you doing regular urine tests, so check in with him/her.
There is no online pregnancy tests. And if you wanna make absolutley sure then you should see a doctor.
There are many online websites that will provide you with information about positive pregnancy tests. The best online website to check would be American Pregnancy Org.
You really need to go to the doctor. HCG is the hormone pregnancy tests check for. Those levels could possibly be elevated for weeks after a miscarriage.