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Scholars use the term sex to refer to biological differences between men and women.

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Scholars use the term "sexual dimorphism" to refer to biological differences between men and women. This term encompasses differences in physical characteristics such as body structure, reproductive anatomy, and hormonal profiles.

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Q: What term do scholars use to refer to biological differences between man and woman?
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Continue Learning about Biology

What is the differentiate between the stages of biological evolution and biological evolution?

Biological evolution refers to the change in inherited traits over generations in populations. Stages of biological evolution could refer to processes within evolution, such as variation, selection, and inheritance, that contribute to the overall evolutionary change in a population.

What is the difference between physical and biological needs?

Physical needs refer to the basic requirements for survival, such as food, water, shelter, and sleep. Biological needs, on the other hand, are related to the specific physiological requirements of an organism to maintain homeostasis and function properly, such as breathing, digestion, and reproduction. Biological needs are a subset of physical needs, focusing on the biological processes that support life.

Why did they call it sex?

The word "sex" originated from Latin, where it means "gender" or "male/female division." Over time, it came to be associated with sexual activity and reproduction due to the connection between biological differences and sexual behavior. It is now commonly used to refer to the act of physical intimacy between individuals.

What is genetic difference?

Genetic differences refer to variations in the DNA sequence between individuals. These differences can arise from mutations, gene recombination, or genetic variations inherited from parents. Genetic differences contribute to the diversity observed in traits, health, and disease susceptibility among individuals.

What is biological causes?

past tense for eat

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Please refer the following link, there you can find useful information about differences between VB6 and VB .NET

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Khilaf means "difference" or "disagreement" in Arabic. It is often used to refer to a situation where there is a disagreement or dispute among individuals or groups over a particular matter. In the context of Islamic jurisprudence, it can refer to differences of opinion among scholars on a religious issue.

What is the differentiate between the stages of biological evolution and biological evolution?

Biological evolution refers to the change in inherited traits over generations in populations. Stages of biological evolution could refer to processes within evolution, such as variation, selection, and inheritance, that contribute to the overall evolutionary change in a population.

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Aerobics refers to cardi-resp. fitness & anaerobics refer to musclular fitness

How do you know the differences between genarations and individuals?

Generational differences refer to characteristics and behaviors that are generally shared by people who were born in the same time period. Differences between individuals, on the other hand, refer to unique traits, experiences, and perspectives that vary from person to person, regardless of their age or generation. Understanding both generational and individual differences can help identify patterns and similarities among groups as well as acknowledge the uniqueness and diversity of each individual.

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To which Frankfort do you refer? No matter, whichever it is, schools are the same everywhere, with few exceptions.

Who named sex?

The term "sex" originated from Latin, where "sexus" meant division or kind. Over time, it evolved to refer to the biological differences between male and female organisms. The exact individual who named it is not known, as the term has been in use for centuries.