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Q: What street drug is used by injecting into cigarettes?
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What street drug is used by being injected into cigarettes?

Pcp is put on cigerettes in lquid form

Is it possible to contract HIV-AIDS from sharing water used for injecting drugs?

Water used for injecting drugs? Needs more explanation. Do you mean something used at a hospital or on the street?

Why is there a higher HIV prevalence in prisons?

because of have sexual relationship and lack of condom,injecting drug use, used needle,violence

What does it mean when nausea after smoking cigarettes?

Usually we feel nausea because of the drug in the cigarettes,for first-timer,they are not used to it.But after a long period of time,the nauseousness will be gone

What street drug is called Gucci?

It is a term used for methamphetamine's

How is Xanax used as a street drug?

Xanax, as a street drug is used as an oral medication. It is usually swallowed in tablet form. However, it also can be snorted.

How are drugs and medicines related?

Some drugs can be used as medicine. Not cigarettes or that kind of stuff though. Some drugs can be used as medicine. You can buy them at a drug store but get a docter prescription for personal medicine. Not cigarettes though because they are horrible and make you die sooner.

Are cigarettes drugs?

They filter out some THC, but they do not filter out the entirety of it. A sizable portion still makes it past the filter.

What mental illness is Budeprion used to treat?

Budeprion is a prescription drug that is used most often to treat the symptoms of depression. In addition, Budeprion is also used to help smokers curb their cravings for cigarettes.

Is benztropine used or sold as a street drug?

As benz(a)tropine is used to the effects of antipsychotic treatments, such as for parkinson, there is no recreational use for it, and thus, no it is not.

Do you believe that marijuana should be legalized i do?

on a chart of awareness you are more aware when you drink alcohol then cigarettes then marijuana the last drug to be used when your the least aware is extacy

What are syringes and needles used for?

Syringes and needles are used for injecting or withdrawing fluids from a person.