Unless you have a store that specializes in just decor I would say it is doubtful. Chain stores usually head from holiday to the next one pretty rapidly. I would suggest finding an online store, I'm sure the deals you can find online will be better.
This all depends on the individual family, as there is no Mormon religious custom about holiday decorations. Some families like to leave their Christmas decorations up longer than others. I grew up a Mormon, and we always took our Christmas decorations down the day after Christmas. Now that I am grown, I usually take my Christmas decorations down on New Years Day. Most facilities owned by the Mormon Church that decorate for Christmas take their decorations down shortly after New Years Day, which is customary for most people in the United States. Maybe the Mormons you know are either too lazy to take down their Christmas decorations, or they love Christmas so much that they don't want to take them down?
Offense is based on human beliefs, the reactor's mood and social implication of the decorations. But from my own side of the world, I've never seen people from other religion getting angry because of Christmas decorations. in a developed country, people are disposed to practise their various religion. but now Christmas is seen as worldwide festival.
I would not recommend using glass Christmas decorations around young children as they tend to have a lot of energy - act now, think later - you would not want anyone to get hurt. However, there are several really tasteful decorations that you can purchase which are either plastic or wood.
Ebay has photos of christmas directions and full descriptions of each decoration.Also you can even see the picture of the item and either buy now or bid on any wanted decoration.
Yes, they now are selling refurbished Ipod at Apple Stores.
Yes, they do. In the past, everything, even gas stations (convenience stores were unheard of), was closed on Christmas day. Now, more and more businesses, especially convenience stores, some theaters, and restaurants, are open on Christmas.
Buy it now. This way you will have and no need to worry if the stores run out of stock and you can play with it on Christmas. Enjoy it.
Christmas door decorations are always fun. Wreaths are the more traditional decoration but there are now many different options including wall-hangings and other forms of wreath and ribbons that look beautiful for Christmas.
Most major retail stores now have on line stores. So it depends on what type of Christmas gifts you wish to purchase. I would suggest making a list and then shop around.
Yes! Every year, CTA workers (in Chicago) make their trains look so beautiful with Christmas decorations. These trains are no longer 'regular trains', they are now Christmas trains, or Holiday trains. There are such things as CTA Christmas trains. Chicago Transit Authority workers work hard to make their trains look cool. These designs are very awesome. CTA workers are super great and their trains look so beautiful! They are called the 'Santa Express' in Christmas decorations.
Kuwait is an Islamic Country so it doesn't celebrate Christmas. But there are a Few Christians in Kuwait 4% I think does celebrate Christmas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Above mentioned anwer is completely nonsense. My family and I live in Kuwait and celebrated Christmas, Easter and all our feasts each and every year for more than 30 years now. It's the month of November that all the major stores in Kuwait put up the decors for Christmas and there is at least 50% of Christians in Kuwait now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I totally agree with the person above me, the first answer doesn't really answer the question. Since November I've seen decorations and specials just for Christmas. I even took a video and pictures of everything I saw. I'm from South America and before coming here I didn't know what to expect. But I was pleasantly surprised with all the decorations. It really feels and looks like Christmas here in Kuwait.
Yes it is. Espacally now sence it's Christmas. :)