- The Cardholder is responsible for charges made before the travel card was lost or stolen.
- All previous authorized activities, disputed or undisputed, are transferred to the new account.
- The GTC vendor issues a new travel card and in number within 10 business days of rceipt of the lost or stolen card notification.
The following statements are true about a lost or stolen travel card:The cardholder is responsible for charges made before the travel card was reported lost or stolen.All previously authorized activities, disputed or undisputed, are transferred to the new account.The travel card vendor issues a new travel card and pin number within 10 business days of receipt of the lost or stolen card notification.
The cardholder is responsible for authorized charges made before losing the card
If we had your statements we could help you better. When a card is stolen or lost the very first thing you need to do is contact the bank or company to stop any use of it. Have them issue a new card. Next you need to contact your bank and change passwords and to make sure your account is secure.
The cardholder is responsible for the authorized charges made before losing the card.
The cardholder is responsible for changes made before the travel card was lost or stolen. All previously authorized activities, disputed or undisputed, are transferred to the new account. The GTCC vendor issues a new travel card and pin number within 10 business days of receipt of the lost or stolen card notification.
ALL of the above = The bank, Your supervisor, Your A/OPC
Citi is committed to providing the highest level of service to the Department of Defense. Any agency is able to qualify for the Citibank Government Travel Card.
Public Law 105-264
Public Law 105-264