The majority of the population of the Balkans and Russia are the Slavs. So, they shared that, and they felt closer to Russia.
well if u look on a map you'll see that russia's closer to london than the usa
Both share a border with Russia but I would say the US is closer because they have more people living closer to the Russian border than Canada.
No state is significantly closer to the Sun than any other. If you're going to insist on an answer anyway, Hawaii can becloser to the Sun than any other state can possibly get. (It can also get further away than any other state can possibly get).
Russia is part of the Asian continent. The ideals and methods of Russia are more European most likely because their capitol is closer to Europe than the other Asian countries.
they were closer to it than any other country
The state of Hawaii is a chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean. It has no neighboring state, although it is closer to California than to other states. The territory of Guam is closer to Hawaii than California is.
Its northern border is closer to the north pole than the northern border of any other state.