The pregnancy span of fish, also known as the gestation period, varies depending on the species. It can range from a few days to several months. However, most fish species have relatively short gestation periods compared to mammals.
It is unknown which animal has the shortest neck. Even animals with the longest neck like a giraffes may have members with some mutation that cause a short neck, as well as other species.
Frogs have the shortest vertebral columns.
The mayfly holds the title for shortest-lived animal, with an adult lifespan typically ranging from a few hours to a few days, depending on the species.
Newly discovered species has shortest life span of any four-legged animal Labord's Chameleon (Furcifer labordi), a lizard found only on the island of Madagascar, is the first reptile species known to have an annual lifecycle Insects have very short lifespans too, Adult mayflies, depending on the species, have life spans ranging from half an hour to a whole day! 'Related' and 'Also see' links below give more details on the Chameleon and Mayfly.
Possums have the shortest pregnancy at 16 days.
It is believed that the animal with the shortest pregnancy is the bandicoot. They have a gestation period that only last 12 days.
Hamsters have the shortest pregnancy of all animals. They are pregnant for approximately 16 days.
Eastern Barred Bandicoots have the shortest pregnancy of any mammal-just twelve days.
Black Mapa A Coral snake also has the shortest fangs of all venomous North American species.
No, but some species (eg the seahorse) can brood the young.
idk but there is an animal with feet so small that all 4 of them can fit on a penny
As kookaburras are birds, they do not have "pregnancy". After being laid, the eggs are incubated for 24-29 days, depending on the species of kookaburra.
Pregnancy works the same way for all ethnic groups. We are all members of the same species, homo sapiens.
First off there is no such thing as a safe day. You can get pregnant at any time.
The shortest pregnancy where the baby survived was just under 5 months. So yes it can happen.
Turtles can be pregnant for anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the species. Factors that can affect the duration of their pregnancy include the species of turtle, environmental conditions, and the health of the mother turtle.