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You need to have it examined by a gusmith to verify it hasn't been rechambered.

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Q: What size of shells does a 1897 Winchester use?
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You have a 12 ga shoutgun made by national fire arms that looks just like a Winchester 1897 did Winchester ever use that name?

Both Winchester and Marlin made "trade name" guns for others. National Fire Arms appears under both names in my references, including one very much like the Winchester 1897.

What is the value of a Winchester model 1897 12 gauge pump shotgun with an extra long barrel made in 1900?

Winchester model 1897 12 gaugeThe 1897 Winchester model 12 gauge pump was manufactured 1897-1957. The standard barrel length could be ordered from 20"-36". The value depends on condition,The year it was manufactured, and also historic value. If it have any markings such as police use, military use, or any other historic use the value would be much higher, for example the U.S. Winchester Model 1897 slide action trench gun $2,800-and up. Without examining your shotgun, if it is in decent condition, working order, no special historic value it should sell for between $500-$700

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What shells does a lakefield model 93m 22 cal wmr use?

it stands for Winchester Magnum takes a 22 MAG BULLET

What kind of shells can you use in a Winchester model 37 12 gauge with a full choke and 30 barrel?

Any 12 gauge shell made with a length of 2 3/4in.I would not use steel shot shells in your model 37 though.You can also use brenneke slugs in your shotgun also.

What is a trench gun?

A trench gun was a shotgun used in WW1 by allied forces, a Winchester Model 1897 to be specific. It was so effective in its' military use Germany attempted to have it banned from warfare for causing unnecessary suffering.

What size shells does a New England rifle use?

They are made in several different calibers. Look on the barrel to read caliber markings.

What kind of bullet does a Winchester model 37 steel built 16 ga use?

A "bullet" is the term used for a rifle cartridge projectile. The Winchester Model 37 is a shotgun versus a rifle, and as such, it primarily was made to use shot shells (hundreds of small lead pellets) used for hunting game birds and waterfowl. Bert H.

Can you safely use modern 2-34 shells in Winchester mod 12 chambered for 2-916 shells?

The Winchester Model 12 was one of the best pump shotguns ever invented, but I'm afraid trying to chamber a round 1/4 inch longer than the gun was designed to fire would be very difficult and the pressures generated would be higher than the 9/16 was designed to handle.

What size bullet does a 30-30 Winchester rifle use?

If you need to ask this you shouldn't own let alone be shooting a rifle!

What is the proper procedure to restore a Model 1897 1906 Winchester US trench shotgun?

May not be a wise move. Model 1897 Trench Guns are very collectable, and honest wear from use is far more valuable than a restored piece. Best have a knowledgeable collector evaluate the gun AS IT IS, first.

Can you use a Winchester ranger 120 barral on a Winchester 1400?
