I think that symptoms are writing while your hands are shaking. You are not getting enough water or food. You should go for a exerciser. Hopefully this will help.
You should watch for severe pain, swelling, bruising, tenderness, and decreased feeling in the arms and legs. If you have these symptoms, seek medical attention because you could have a neck fracture.
"Vibration White Finger is nothing to fool around with and you should see your doctor immediately. Some of the symptoms to watch for are your fingernail, and rest of your finger from the last knuckle down turning white and going numb."
There are several things to watch out for if you think that you might have mold issues. The top symptoms to watch for are sneezing, headache, itching skin and eyes, watery eyes, redness and skin irritation.
you should watch it
The common symptoms of multiple myeloma are bone pain, broken bones, anemia, and leukopenia. Should these signs ever appear, it is wise to consult with the doctor. However, keep watch for these other major symptoms as well: compressed nerves, hypercalcemia, and kidney damage.
As long as you feel you are in control of what you are doing you should be OK. If the patient is prone to heart attacks, he might give you indications like giddiness, nausea, vomiting, sweating, anxiety, lightheadedness and upper body pains. Watch for these symptoms.
Symptoms of COPD exacerbation include shortness of breath, noisy breathing, increased anxiety, chest breathing, cough, change in skin and nail color, difficulty sleeping and no interest in eating. You should watch carefully for these signs.
A rash on your skiing could be a symptom for an allergy. A runny or itchy nose could be a symptom for an allergy also. Congestion is something to look for also.
Symptoms can occur two months after a mother has given birth. Symptoms to watch for are anger, anxiety, crying, irritability, appetite changes, headaches, and difficulty sleeping.
This medication is to relieve pain and inflamation. The length of time you are able to take it - I think will depend on the patient. Warnings on the packet are similar to other medication that reduces inflamation such as Ibuprofen and Asprin (you shouldn't take dicloflex and any of these without discussing with your doctor first)- so people with asthma, heart conditions, ulcers etc. should keep a close watch on symptoms. Patients on this medication for a long time should be monitored by their Doctor - who should do regular checks on the heart, kidney and liver functions.
I am sitting here watching 5 screens, I have the potential of watching 80 patients yet I rarely watch over 40 patients. (today I have a comfortable 29).If the screens are well placed, I really dont think it is an issue of how many screen but how many patients and how sick are they. The rumor I hear in the tele tech world is 80 patients. I really don't think that I could watch 80 patience safely. This is a question that is very important to ask, and I see that the answer will have to evolve. This is a fairly young proffesion and needs to be evaluated and standardized.