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depends on what you mean by officers (military, navy, police, airforce) but 2 very common WWII revolvers were the webley and the enfield in various models

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Q: What sidearm were carried by british officers?
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What kind of 38 did British solders carry in World War 2?

Most British officers carried the British Webley .38. -Some had a .455 version instead.

What is a cavalry sword called?

Cavalry sword is also known as sabre or saber. This had three versions : - troopers, officers, household cavalry sword. This sword was carried by british officers as a part of their uniform.

What sidearm do police officers carry?

It depends on the local department regulations. Locally to me, city officers carry a Sig 229, and county officers carry a Beretta 96D. Glock has a pretty large percentage of the market, as does Sig.

Did the British officers invent tennis?

Not specifically British Officers, but yes, British Soldiers.

What is a ccw handgun?

CCW is shorthand for "carry concealed Weapon". It generally refers to a sidearm that is suited for concealed carry. These would be smaller and flatter than most sidearms. Nearly any sidearm CAN be carried concealed, but some are more readily caried in that fashion.

Can police officers choose the kind of gun they carry?

They will have some determination in what they use as their backup piece, but they'll be limited to whatever the department issues as their service sidearm.

What company near the early part of the twentieth century put forth a strong bid to have both army and naval officers to have this firearm?

Smith & Wesson promoted their .38 caliber revolver as the best sidearm for army and navy officers.

Was the revolver used in the Great War?

Yes. The standard British sidearm was the Webley revolver in .455 caliber. The US had changed from the .38 revolver as the standard issue in 1911, to the .45 Colt ACP automatic (which remained the standard sidearm into the 1980s) but there were undoubtedly still officers carrying the .38, out of preference or lack of availability of the .45 automatic. Many men carried "unofficial" pistols and revolvers, such as the Colt .45 "Peacemaker" (actually the "Single Action Army", which had been the official sidearm until 1892) were always popular. US pilot Frank Luke, the only US aviator awarded the Medal of Honor while the war was going on, crashed behind enemy lines after being gutshot while shooting down three balloons, and pulled out his .45 revolver to shoot it out with German troops closing in to capture him, and went down fighting. The standard French sidearm was the Lebel Model 1892 revolver.

Do navy officers carry a sidearm?

It depends on the situation. When serving as a boat officer in a combat area, yes, they wear a pistol. In some small ships all personnel are issued a side arm in combat situations. Navy officers stationed with the Marine Corps will be expected to be armed (doctors and chaplains excepted).

How many crew members on the USS Monitor?

Monitor was a Nebula class star ship it carried a compliment of 750 crew and officers the civil war Monitor carried 62 officers and crew

Did English migrants travel on the First Fleet?

No. The First Fleet carried convicts, officers and marines. There were no British migrants as the colony had not yet been established. The only "free settlers" were the wives and children of some of the marines. Even the wives and children of most of the officers stayed in England, as the officers intended to return home once their commission was over.

How many people were needed on you boats?

WWII: 1. German subs carried about 40 crewmen. 2. US Gato class subs carried about 70 officers and men. 3. Japanese I-400 class subs carried about 144 officers and men.