Depends on the Model . A Spooky arms 1 25mm gun 1 40mm Bofors And 1 105mm Howitser
The AC130 was a modified C130 (Hercules) cargo plane. The A stands for attack, the C stands for cargo and the 130 is the aircraft designation. The AC130 spectra or spooky was commonly refereed to as "Puff the magic dragon" There are different types of AC130's depending on what guns they carry. "Puff the Magic Dragon" carries 6 .308 caliber miniguns while the Spectres carry two miniguns 2 40mm cannons and a 80mm howitzer.
The AC-130C130U aircraft has 25mm Gatling guns, a 40mm Bofors cannon, and a 105 mm artillery piece. Good article for you-
One or more mounted machine guns is a "nest."
Gatling guns ,cannons
you press triangle on ps3 and Y on Xbox 360 !
the ac130 already has infinite ammo.
You get it by using the AC130 killstreak 10 or so times.
Gold mounted guns is the cowboy form western drama story, it is in from middle age English.
it affected it by gas.
Im not sure what you mean but you can use a ac130 to get a nuke if you have them on your kill streak selections.