Tell her I really like you and want to get to know a little bit better
Screw sending it to the girl you like if she is single i would go to her and hand her flowers personally
if you really like them, just text him/her.
The girl should just send compliments or goodwill messages to the guy but on the other hand if she notices that the guy is the shy type, then she should help him express himself by probably asking question that can help him out like "do you love me" etc but should take care not to overdo things. I love u is okay
Find out what she likes. Does she play a sport, or is she in a club? send lots of s! the conversation should flow naturally from there.
It depends if your a guy or a girl. Girl: yes Guy: NO WAY!!!!!
no Yes you should. If its a girl you like you should tell her how you feel.
send her flowers and wait for her to break up and take her
i like it better personaly when a my girl text me.
yes you should its valentines day share the love
this boy i like at school he is got a girl friend but i really like himand he dose talk to me so he dose like me but what should i do??
you should realise him that the girl is not right for him and he should move on in life.