Your welcome is used after you are thanked by someone and there is no after speech after it.
You say 'You're Welcome'
The same thing you say when someone says "you're welcome" - nothing.
Say "It's a pleasure to help." Or "You're welcome."
You have to say "Svagatham"
When someone says "Thank you", you should say "You're welcome" back. It is the polite thing to do and it is proper etiquette.
you can say don't mention it or most appreciated
The most appropriate reply would be "Thank you."
If someone says "thank you," then you should say "you're welcome." If that doesn't feel right, then you can say "no problem." Some people just say "anytime" to imply that they are always willing to help.
You're welcome Sergant Sarcastic!
hos geldinizits pronounced hosh geldineez
You're welcome, no problem, anytime, happy to help etc.
well to say your welcome you normal just say 'prego' pronounced pray-go after someone says thankyou