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depends on how old you are. if of consenting age, a bj is always nice.

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11mo ago

Consider getting your boyfriend a thoughtful gift that reflects his personality and interests, such as a watch, a personalized item, a tech gadget, or an experience like concert tickets or a weekend getaway. It's important to choose something that shows you appreciate and support his accomplishments.

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Q: What should you get your boyfriend as a graduation present?
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You should find a better boyfriend.

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well my boyfriend likes me hugging him under his arms and i suggest going in for a kiss

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If you have a boyfriend, this shouldn't happen! You should plan on getting someone you are dating a Valentines present. If you do get stuck in this situation, you could tell him that you were planning on taking him to dinner or to do an activity he enjoys.

What should you get your girlfriend as a graduation present?

If she boasts about something she saw at the mall and she's dying for it u should get her that gift she'll be overjoyed.

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What should a 13 year old make to go with her Valentine's Day present for her boyfriend?

Cupcakes (:

Should you kiss your ex girlfriend when you give her the Chistmas present you got her?

No because she might have a boyfriend

Should graduation be made compulsory for politician?

yes, graduation should be the minimum qualification for the politicians