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Ask your daughter what she wants but if you want to surprise her, think of what she wants. it all depends if she is a tomboy or a girl girl. My doughtier is a tomboy so this is what she wants an x-box 360, a 3ds and Club Penguin membership for a year. Boys are more hard to shop for but a tomboy is very hard to shop for. Girlygirls are easy to shop for because they usually want dolls, jewellery and Arts and Crafts

If you want it a surprise and cant think of something your daughter would like ask her. If she only says 1 thing ask her to name more and pick out of those choices.

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13y ago
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14y ago

maybe you could get

1. a cellphone

2. loads of little things

3. money

4 an iPod

5 a TV for your bedroom

6. a laptop

7 a dog cat/hamster/gerbil

8. clothes

9 shoes (pastreys,converse)

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13y ago

something your brother enjoys to do or likes, for example:

if he likes to play Video Games, then a video games he wants or dosent have.

if he likes to play the piano, the a book on music notes.

things like this etc...

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14y ago

Video games, airsoft guns (if he into airsoft which most boys are), and probably an itouch or iphone

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11y ago

A 10 year old boy that loves nature would probably want a bug net.

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15y ago

Toy cars or trucks. Maybe GI JO dolls or Action Figures of wrestlers. Possibly DVDs or clothes

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16y ago

A pony or Disney stuff.

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