Wrap them up in toilet paper or in a nappy bag and throw them away. Don't flush them down the toilet because they won't flush and will clog the loo.
pads for when she gets her period wink wink
If You Have No Pads, Use Toilet paper or A Clean Sock Just Make sure You Change It Every 4 Hours
She'll have to wear pads and tampons. I don't recommend having sex during the menstrual period, because it's dirty, messy, or even dangerous because of germs. Hopefully, her groom will understand.
Well, I Should Hope Your Mum Has Had The Talk With You By Now. Lol. But If Not... Basically You Have You Clear It Up So Get Yourself Some Tampons Or Period Pads. Period Pads Lay In Your Knickers , And Tampons Go Inside You. =]
You should write down the date so you can track it, and use either feminine pads, or tampons.
Yes you should because if you have your period at school u can get a pad(thats what my mum said to me)
Well, if you haven't had your period yet but you have been getting cramps and think you will get it soon. Just talk to your Mum and say "Mum, I think I should keep some pads with me so when i get my periods I will be ready".
Nothing. For your period, nothing, really. Tampons and pads should be used, however.
maybe you should get pads that deodorize thats what i had to do until it got regualr maybe you should get pads that deodorize thats what i had to do until it got regualr
You can use anything you like - pads, tampons, cup -- with your period after stopping depo provera.
If you forgot when you get your period you should just wait and let it happen but you might want to wear panty liners (very thin pads) every day until you get it just in case.
since i have not started i think 5 days before u start would be a good start for wearing pads