Try not to let her get bored. Keep things going with conversation and/or activities. Ask questions about her (in the nicest way possible and without the questions being uncomfortable with her).
well it depends, is the friend a girl or boy ?
you should tell your best how you feel about that person and try to talk it out, but if you feel that you might loose your friend in this situation then i think the best thing you should do is leave it alone.
no girl 'friend to mohit sehgal .he is alone.
You don' leave her alone immediately.
not if you trust her :)
Tell her how you feel. Find a private moment when your alone with her, and just blurt it out. If your old enough, and she recipricates, you can start an enjoyable relationship.
"Who's your best friend?"
That's very hard, but maybe you should just leave her alone. Just remember the time why you felt attracted to her in the first place.
when he's alone! if his friend tells you that he's a jerk he probably likes you!
be her friend and wait for her to come around. corny but it works
First of all she is with your friend so she is off the menu. You shouldn't do that to your friends because you will lose them and when this girl is gone you will be alone. If you value this friendship you will tell your friend what happened so he can get rid of this girl and be prepared to have a falling out with him.
If your friend is a little girl around the age of 3-4 you should get he a doll. If your friend is a girl around the age of 8-10 you should get her a book or maybe a stuffed animal?