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I believe you should accept him completely. My father is gay, and when I met him in the airport he was wearing lipgloss. It was strange at first, but I got used to it. Just accept it and he'll feel more open to you and you're overall relationship will be better.

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Q: What should you do if your son wants to wear lipstick at home?
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Should men wear lipstick can men wear high heels?

There are many men that wear lipstick and high heels. Some think it is okay and some think that only women should wear high heels and lip stick.

What are some reasons you should wear lipstick?

to make your skin look lighter or darker depends in the color of lipstick.

Do you have to wear lipstick when you're dancing the macarena?

yes u should use a dark pink or purple lipstick girls!

Can you wear red lipstick to an interview?

Yes you can, but I wouldn't wear bright red lipstick for an interview.

What color lipstick should a black person wear?

Any color that you feel is suitable to you.

What should i do if my son wants to wear diapers?

Yes. Let him but only at home. Dont let his friends find out.

What color lipstick do mimes wear?

It varies. Mimes will either wear red or black lipstick. But they are more likely to wear red.

If he knows you wear lipstick everyday does that mean he wants to kiss you?

I would say there's a pretty good chance that he does want to taste your lips. ;)

What shade of lipstick should you wear to minimize yellow teeth?

use darker shade of lipstick when your teeth are yellow -Lauren Viasey- Master of make up

How do you remove lipstick after you have applied it?

If it's extended-wear lipstick you'll need makeup remover, or vaseline. Regular-wear lipstick can just be wiped off.

What color lipstick should you wear with a royal slash midnight blue dress?

Black, of coarse.

What color lipstick should you wear with salt pepper hair and olive skin?

light pink