Well wait for him to ask you out. Maybe they're confused at the moment on whether if they want to let you be with them or not.
You ask her out
Get a friend to find out if he likes you or just ask him yourself. If you get rejected, then don't freak! Just wait. Maybe he will come around. If not, it's his loss.
depends on if you know he likes you or not
Not too intimately.
You should go for it if you know that person likes you go for it no holding back.
No she likes Ken. Ben and her are cousins.
if you have a crush on him tell him grrl!
He/she wouldve already hinted that they liked you. Do they look at you Alot? Do they talk to you or try to impress you ? Those are hints you should take if you think your crush likes you.
Justin likes the song *Up* and *That Should Be Me* from his My World 2.0 album
you ask your crush's best friend to ask your crush who your crush likes(it may not work but just try)
go ask for a bang
confront him.