Well if a girl says hi to you out of the blue she might just want to be nice or she wants you to notice her. So you should go up to her and just start talking to her.
Because some boys are shy and others can't think of anything to say to a girl because you have to be careful of what you say to girls.
Host and thank you for inviting me.
No, "hi" does not need to be in quotation marks unless it is being used as a direct quote or for emphasis.
Say Hi and Tell Her How you Feel
You should say hi nicely, then maybe talk to her i noe this 'cuz im a girl :D
The best way to say hi to an unknown girl is by being casual. This may be followed by a brief introduction which should be limited so as not to end being harassment.
If you see your friend walking on the sidewalk you can say "Hi Kaite"
You should work up your courage to talk to her. At least say Hi.
Probably she doesn't know why you said hi or maybe she was surprised or maybe she's being polite. But smiling is a good sign. Better than frowning.
You might want to start with "Hi", and see where the conversation goes from there. you should be friendly and dont overwhelm the girl
she should be wearing a full hi jab and a Muslim scarf her hair should not be seen and she should be a proper Muslim.