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If she honestly doesn't like you, it is best to move on. If she is not interested in you, she is not going to be. The only chance would be if her perspective of you is way different from reality and she finds that what you are actually like is attractive to her. However, this is rarely the case.

If you are 100% positive and have proof she likes you (not circumstantial or just a bunch of clues or hints), you should maybe ask her why she doesn't like you, but most likely you should just give her some space while still remaining her friend.

The best marriages are made from people who were friends long before they started a relationship together. If she likes you as a frend you should justkeep getting her interested and then She might just ask YOU

Take it like a man, and show her u don't care that she don't want u, even if u do(care). and whatever u do, don't chase after her, maybe ask her y, but don't go throwing yourself at her feet, cos it ain't attractive, believe me, lol. and it don't improve your case.

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Q: What should you do if a girl rejects you?
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Act like you don't care.

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If you like the first girl enough, just go with her. You know she likes you, so there is no risk and you will be happy enough with her. If you want to risk it, try the second girl first and if she rejects you there is always the other girl.

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If you really like a girl and you two are really good friends you should try and move on because you don't want to ruin your friendship.

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