make fruit coaktale have pillow fights do each other make up watch scary movie with nibbiles and have coke float play spin thed bottle haved a compertishion who can have the most shot in 1 minut play 7 minuits in heaven do prank calls listen to music shouting to people across the street and saying karrelk come up here and boggie withn us wave to loads of people wake up ur brothere / sisters (if you have some) og out side in ur pjs trash the house and just have a laghf because girls just wanna have fun make a cake and give it to ur granny lolz go outside anf throgh water balloons at randon people
go to the shop and bye :
cartoon juice
ice cream
water balloons
suckey sweets
boiled sweets
(and any thing else u like to eat as a nibble)
bye chloe smith have fun injoy your sself
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simply make every thing cute an girly with fun things to do like makeovers and scary movies then play truth or dare maybe a pillow fight or prank calls.after fix some tasty snacks for example, Pizza rolls ,hot wings ,candy ,and cookies .Theyll be tired out after all that fun!
Here are a few games you and your friends could play at a slumber party:
Truth or Dare
Truth: You can do some really juicy ones like "Have you ever kissed a boy" or "Who was your first crush".
Dare: Some really embarrasing ones are fun like "Knock on the neighbors door and screem delivery than run away" It gets fun.
Make-Up Wake-Up
What you do is you prank the worst girl of the night. When everybody goes to sleep, you wait until that one girl is totaly out, than everybody grabs some make up and puts it all over her face. When she wakes up and you wake up, you guys will be laughing, she will wonder what you are laughing at and tell her to go look in the mirror, she may get mad, but she was the worst girl in of the night, she deserved it.
The Chocolate Game
You have everyone sit in a circle. When its time to start one person rolls 2 dice. If the dice is rolls on double numbers (e.g: a 2 and a 2) that person must put on a hat, scarf and gloves (or any other dress up) and then cut a block of chocolate using a knife and fork. The person eats as much as they can until another person rolls a double.
The m&m Game
Everyone sits in a circle. There is a bowl of m&ms (or any other colourful lolly) in the centre. One person closes her eyes and picks 2 m&ms. If they are the same colour the person may eat them, if they are two different colours, she will have to keep the m&ms in her mouth until she picks two that are the same colour.
Toilet Paper Mummy Obstacle Course
There are teams of two girls per team. One person is the mummy first and one person is the wrapper first. The wrapper (when told to) starts to wrap the mummy in toilet paper. Once the mummy is covered in toilet paper, they must run or walk through an obstacle course. Once done the two people swap roles. :)
All girls sit in a circle. One person starts and asks another girl what they would do in a certain situation. (e.g: what would you do if you saw your boyfriend kissing another girl?)
Kiss The Poster
This is like pin the tail on the donkey except theres a poster of your favorite super star. (e.g: Justin Beiber) Each girl has some sort of lip gloss on. They are blindfolded and each get a turn to try and kiss the posters lips. The winner gets to take the poster home.
Had a Ball
At the the end of the sleepover, each person gets a beach ball. Everyone also gets a permenent marker. Everyone gets to write about the best things about the sleepover and sign each others beach ball.
Some other fun things to do could include:
- You could tell Scary Stories during the night.
- You could watch dvd's.
- Hide & Seek in the dark
- take photos & videos (if you have a camera)
- gossip
- you could play Board Games
- Austalian Idol
- dance & sing
u should have a sleep over
You could take over-the- counter sleep aids to help you sleep if you are having trouble and can't sleep.
You can look for it. Then, if you do not find it you can go to sleep.
well it is good but you should sleep over if you met the kid and been hanging out with him over a year
sleep over
16 and over need to get at least 8 hours sleep :)
You should always bring a sleeping bag and pillow to a sleep over bring your fav stuffed animal and maybe a movie you think that your friends would like. Have fun!!
If they sleep together and not with anyone else sleepovers should be fine. If either partner would rather be home, then they need to return home.
8 to 9 hours. Basically, enough uninterrupted sleep so that you don't feel jet lag at the end of the week and want to sleep until noon over the weekend. adults should sleep 7-9 hours. children should sleep 10-12 hours.
You should sleep 9 hours
Sleep debt refers to the cumulative amount of sleep that an individual has missed or not received over a period of time. It can result from consistently not getting enough sleep, and can lead to negative consequences such as fatigue, poor concentration, and increased risk for health problems. Repaying sleep debt typically involves getting extra sleep over time to make up for the deficit.
you may fall asleep and roll over on the child and be likely to smother them.