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Some men look for the fake girls, with fake hair, big boobs. But a lot of the time they like the natural girls, like not A LOT of make-up, natural hair. Men look for women that have things in common, such as, liking sports that they like, and that you could play with him.

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Q: What should men really look for in a girl?
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*Facepalm* No. Only the girls that aren't sensible look only for looks in men.

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A girl always wants a good looking, handsome, understanding as well as caring husband. a girl will only look for the heart of men. but there are also girls who just look at the wealth of that person.

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Men really do care about relationships they just act like they dont to look tough. Also, it takes guys longer to get over a relationship then it is for a girl.

You love this girl and you mean love her what shuold you do?

Okay, well if you really really love her you should tell her, you dont want to bottle anything in, most girls like it when men/ boys express their feelings. GOOD LUCK!

Want to add message to your Question re Why Do Men Look At Other Women?

because men only look for three things in a girl there pesinality there lips and there breast

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What diet should be taken for men to get a girl pregrent?

No particular diet is required for a man to get a girl pregnant.