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Honesty is always the best policy. Come clean to your girlfriend.

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Q: What should I do if I kissed another girl while I was going out with my girlfriend?
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Should you confront your girlfriend about the text you found telling she kissed another guy when going through her phone?

Yes you should confront your girlfriend, she will most likely react annoyed as you went through her phone without permission. This could result in the termination (end) of the relationship.

What if your girlfriend has been going out with you for a long time and you have kissed a lot so should you go farther?

If you want to as long as she doesn't mind it.

Should you kiss your girlfriend at the age of 12 after going out for nearly 10 months?

You can I'm surprised that you havent kissed her yet I kissed my boyfriend allot when I was that age just make sure that she is ready for it:)

What do you do when the guy you like kissed you but you think he has a girlfriend?

This young man is trouble when he would kiss you and you know he has a girlfriend. Until he is no longer going with his girlfriend tell him to back off! If your not sure if he has another girlfriend, watch him like a hawk (at a distance without looking creepy)

Should I confront my girlfriend about the text I found telling she kissed another guy when going through her phone?

Honestly, I think you should. Even if it ends the relationship, atleast you'll know for sure. If you pretend you don't know you'll never be able to trust her, and it might just be a misunderstanding. So yeah, confront her :)

What if you kissed a guy and he was going out with another boy?

nothing should happen unless the boy or you had some oral STD that was apparent, otherwise nothing special

What do you do if you want to kiss your boyfriend but he isn't really sure if we should yet but you want to kiss him. what should i do?

well, i have a girlfriend and we had been going out for 3 months before we actually kissed, she wanted to kiss after 2 months but since it was both the first time we would have kissed someone i was nervous so i wasn't ready until 3 months, same goes with my friend, his girlfriend was ready after 2 but he wasn't till after 3 so its common that girls are probably ready before guys so just wait another month and I'm sure he will be up for it :)

What if your friend kissed your boyfriend he didn't know she was going to what should you do?

If your friend kissed your boyfriend then you should connfront her. Ask her why she would do that when she knows he's your boyfriend. Then you should ask your boyfriend if he made the first move not her.

So this girl i like said Its me not you we dated on and off but after last weekend she kissed another guy and then I caught her saying I love you before she edited it away all still after the weekend?

If a girl said it's me, not you and then kissed another guy then she isn't sure about her feelings for you. You should stay away until she is or you are going to get hurt.

Who is going out with Emma Watson?

She is going out with Daniel Radcliffe from Harry Potter!! Note:You should know because they kissed in a cafe'.

Your girlfriend is going to be at this party and your ex will to what should you do?

find some place better to be and try and take your girlfriend with you

How can a 12 year old boy ask a 12 year old girl out politely without freaking out my friend right now is going out with my girlfriend last night he said he kissed her what do i do?

Get a new friend and also a new Girlfriend!;) Simple!