If it's like 'behind the scenes' it would be coulisse
colorful scenes with humans and animals.
None have been easily found.
Australia's $1 features scenes from aviation history.
The past perfect tense is used to keep time relationships straight. When you are talking about some past event, past perfect is for time before that.Let's say you're talking about the birth of baby Jill. She was born at some past time. When you speak of anything before her birth while you are talking about her birth, you use the past perfect to refer to that earlier time. For example:Jill was [past] born in 2005.When Jill was [past] born, her parents had been [past perfect] trying to get pregnant for two years.Now suppose you are writing a story all in the past tense, and you want to talk about events before the story began. It might go like this:Once there was [past] a little boy named Jack who had lived [past perfect] on a farm all his life. Now he had [past] his first chance to visit a city. He was [past] so excited! He had never seen [past perfect]tall buildings before.
For scrooge to see what effects his lonely past live was to have on his future
To show Scrooge that there were happy times and not so happy in his past and that these cannot be changed
The first ghost to visit Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol" is the Ghost of Christmas Past. This ghost shows Scrooge scenes from his childhood and past in order to help him reflect on his life choices.
Scrooge visits scenes from his past, including his childhood, his time as an apprentice, and pivotal moments with his former fiancee. These scenes allow him to reflect on the choices he made and how they shaped him into the bitter, miserly man he has become.
In "A Christmas Carol," the three ghosts visit Ebenezer Scrooge. The Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come show Scrooge visions of his past, present, and future to help him reflect on his life and change his ways.
The first ghost to visit Scrooge was that of his business partner, Jacob Marley. Later Scrooge was visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Yet to Come
In Stave 2, Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Past visit the scenes from Scrooge's childhood and young adult life, including his time as an apprentice at Fezziwig's warehouse and his relationship with his former fiancée, Belle. They also visit a Christmas party at Fezziwig's and Scrooge's time as a young man working at his old office.
scrooge is visited by the ghost of Christmas past.
The ghosts of Christmas past, present & future.
The Ghost of Chrsitmas Past (Scrooges Past)
The climax of Stave 2 leaves Scrooge feeling regretful and saddened as he witnesses scenes from his past that show his loneliness and isolation. It serves as a turning point for Scrooge as he begins to reflect on his life and consider making changes.
The ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge to various scenes from his past, including his childhood, apprenticeship, and old workplace. The purpose is for Scrooge to reflect on his choices and how they have shaped his life.