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he told stories about the difficulties of being a slave

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Q: What role did Fredrick Douglas play in the fight to abolish slavery?
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He lead the fight to abolish slavery, he was the one who ended slavery in Great Britain

Where was Douglas enslaved as a young child?

Fredrick Douglass, a prominent African-American abolitionist and statesman, was enslaved as a young child on a plantation in Maryland, United States. He eventually escaped slavery and became a leading voice in the fight against slavery and for equal rights for all.

What role did Frederick Douglass play in the fight to abolish slavery?

he told stories about the difficulties of his life as a slave

This person started a newspaper callednorthstar that helped fight slavery?

Frederick Douglas

Why did union fight in the Civil War?

The main reason the Union fought in the war was to keep the Southern states in the Union. Another reason was to abolish slavery.

What did Douglas hope and fight for?

He hoped for freedom and fought and devoted all his life to against slavery.

What organizations were formed to fight the spread of slavery in the US?

Various abolitionist organizations were formed to fight the expansion of slavery in the US. Leaders such as William Garrison and Harriet Stowe were leaders for the fight to not only stop the spread of slavery but to abolish it in the US.The other, more formal organization was the Republican Party. Its goal was to end slavery in the US.

What were the aims of the South going into the Civil War?

During the Civil War, the South wanted to fight for the right to keep slavery, while the North wanted to abolish it.

What is an abolitionis?

An abolitionists is someone who helped fight to free the slaves. Typically, abolitionists did this by working using the Underground Railroad.

What did President Lincoln hope and fight for in the Civil War?

US President Lincoln's first goal was to end the Southern rebellion as soon as he could and deal with the abolition of slavery soon afterwards. As a war measure he could free slaves however he knew it would require an amendment to the US Constitution to officially abolish slavery. This was done in December of 1865 when the 13th amendment was passed and abolished slavery.

For what reasons did the North and South fight the Civil War?

because the North wanted the south to stop slavery and the south did not so they declared war. ANSWER The Northerner People fought to restore the Union and abolish the slavery. The Southerner people fought for the Southern Independence, the Rights of the States and to preserve the "Peculiar Institution"

How did Fredrick Douglass and Sojourner Truth fight for abolition?

womens' rights (: