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BLue Book of Gun Values has cross reference table.

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Q: What rifle is the cross reference of a Pioneer Model 24?
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What rifle is the cross reference for a pioneer model 24 bolt action 22 cal?

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What Marlin rifle is the cross reference for the Coast to Coast model 42?

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What Marlin rifle is the cross reference for the Coast to Coast model CC 779? has a store brand reference chart.

What is the value of a Pioneer Model 23 22 rifle?

50-100 USD or so

What marlin rifle cross with the coast to coast model cc 550?

Cannot find reference to a Model cc 550. Perhaps 650, which would be a Marlin Model 55.

Is the mossberg 26c 22 rifle the same as the western field 04m 390 b rifle?

according to the cross reference sheet I found it is the same as the westernfield 04-m 390a model

Value of pioneer 22 rifle model 765?

50-100 or so

What is pioneer model 25 22 caliber rifle worth?


What bullet does the Pioneer model 25 rifle use?

Made for Pioneer Stores by J. Stevens, it is likely a .22 LR.

22 ranger model103-8 where can you get parts?

The Ranger model 103-8 cross references to be a marlin model 100. You can get parts for the rifle at Their website will have a cross reference chart and everything you need. You will have to cross to the Sears 103-8, because they were made under contract.

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How can you cross reference the peep sight on a 22 caliber Western Field Model 59 rifle?

Should be a Stevens rifle, but the peep sight would probably be aftermarket. If you can send a digital picture of the rifle and a closeup of the sight we can probably ID it for you.