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cotton gins

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Q: What replaced the plantation system in the South?
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What systems replaced the plantation system in th south?

Sharecropping and Tenant farming were two systems that replaced the plantation system in the south after the Civil War.

What systems replaced the plantation system in the south?

cotton gins

Why was the plantation system developed in the south?

labor shortages, slavery and cash crops led to the development of the Plantation system.

How did sharecropping replace the plantation system in the south?

you tell me!

In which section of the early 19th-century America was the plantation system an important feature?

The South

What was the most significant cause of the economic struggles of the New South?

The south had become to dependant on the plantation system.

In which section of early 19th-century America was the plantation system an important feature?

The South

Which section of early 19th-century America was the plantation system an important feature?

The South

What is the plantation system?

The plantation system was the division of the land into smaller parcels that were under private ownership. The plantation system started in Virginia.

Was the farms and plantation on the north or the south?


Where was the plantation system first developed?

The plantation system was first developed by Portuguese explorers in West Africa.

Why did the plantation system help the south?

Because, before the Civil War, they had not to pay the manpower employed and, after the war, thanks to the system of sharing the crops with the former slaves.