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~ Relationships come in all types: healthy, open, closed to outside input, physical only, short in time (a summer), long in time and intent...or as you have said 'serious.' Serious obviously means something to you. Committed. With intention. Exclusive. So the first thing I'd say is KNOW YOURSELF - KNOW YOUR INTENT. This will bring focus to your interactions and your questions. Sure we're all on a quest to know what we like about life and ourselves and in others; but a little focus goes a long way. Decide what you want first - declare it, write it down, then share it in your talks and questions with your 'serious relationship.' If you don't like your questions after a while - recheck your focus or CHANGE IT! But have one that feels like you're driving the boat and not the winds of life driving you. That said - NOW learn the art of asking a question. Open-ended questions will tell you more than a closed-ended question. Examples: Closed: Did you have a great holiday? Probable answer: yes, no, same old same old. It's a cul-de-sac question Open: Tell me where you were this past holiday and what did you do? Even if they had a miserable time - you are going to get more information. Learn to ask interesting questions that foster communication. Good luck and realize there is no dumb question - although there certainly are some really great ones given a little effort on your part to focus yourself on what you want and then go get it in a 'serious relationship.'

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Q: What questions should you ask when you are in a serious relationship?
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