When burned, it creates gasses that rapidly expand to form high pressure that shoots the projectile out of the closed area.
What purpose does silicone serve in conditioners
Yes, as long as you are not purchasing it for an unlawful purpose. You can purchase gunpowder for reloading ammunition, and that's legal, but you cannot purchase gunpowder with the intent of constructing a bomb or explosive device.
They serve the same purpose as T.V or movies. They are a form of entertainment.
Serve as preservatives.
The purpose is the toilet.
Originally used in fireworks, later used as a propellant for weapons- cannon.
the purpose is to show our freedom
It deosnt, as such, serve a purpose, it is there to stop it being stolen by Voldemort basically :)
Magazines serve a purpose to inform and entertain. They are also a place where businesses can advertise and gain customers.
The purpose of the military is to serve and protect our country. They also serve so you or your family members don't get drafted!
What are the barrier islands and what purposes do they serve?