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Some minor problems can be muscle stiffness, sore breasts (both occasionally) but nothing too serious.

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Q: What problems occur during puberty?
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Does puberty occur during adolescence?

they're the same thing, how old are you?

What is the driving force behind the changes that occur during puberty?

Your hormones.

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Many things occur during puberty, a person will grow taller, get hair in several places, and they will develop their bodies.

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Girls need to feel happy and proud about what is happening to them during puberty because the changes that occur will prepare them to be adults and have a family.

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How does hypertrophy occur?

Natural hypertrophy is at its peak during puberty, and usually stops in the late teen to early twenties. Natural hypertrophy is at its peak during puberty, and usually stops in the late teen to early twenties.

During which age period does the most rapid physical growth occur?

Infancy in general, neonatal to be exact.