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The most accurate one is plan b.

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Q: What pregnancy test will be more accurate to determine early pregnancy?
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What test will determine pregnancy?

easy and fast - basal temperature during very early pregnancy - high basal temperature more than 8-9 days=pregnancy

How can you determine when the baby was conveiced?

The most common way to determine when a baby was conceived is by counting backwards approximately 38 weeks from the baby's due date. This is based on a typical pregnancy duration of around 40 weeks. Additionally, ultrasounds performed in the early stages of pregnancy can provide a more accurate estimation of conception based on the size and development of the fetus.

Why would a doctor take a blood test to determine pregnancy?

A blood test can detect pregnancy earlier than a urine test, usually around 6-8 days after ovulation. It measures the levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in the blood, which is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. This test provides a more accurate result compared to a urine test, especially in cases of early pregnancy or when complications are suspected.

How can you know 3 days pregnancy?

No. The hormones are not enough to show if you a pregnant not. This is what the tests use to determine pregnancy. Takes, at the very least, 2 weeks but a full missed cycle is more accurate measure before testing.

Is an ultrasound more accurate in dating of pregnancy especially if you do not know your LMP?

Yes, an ultrasound is more accurate for dating a pregnancy when the last menstrual period (LMP) is unknown. The ultrasound will measure the size of the fetus and provide a more accurate estimate of gestational age. It is typically done early in pregnancy for this purpose.

If you haven't had a period though only one sonogram how can you determine when you conceived?

The size and development of the fetus viewed on the sonogram indicates the age and therefore gives a good estimate of date of conception. The age is more closely determined in early pregnancy and becomes a little less accurate as the fetus grows but it is still possible to estimate the age of the fetus throughout the pregnancy.

A doctors pregnancy test vs home pregnancy test?

A doctor's pregnancy test is much more accurate, where as a home pregnancy test can be faulty.

Does a pregnancy test come out more accurate in the morning or afternoon?

It can be. Pregnancy tests are more accurate in the morning, for the hormones have time to build in the bladder before they are released. If the test is positive it is probably accurate, but if the test is negative it MAY not be. Test again in the morning.

Can you test for pregnancy before your first miss period?

You can but it may show negative since your hcg levels will not be high enough in your urine to trigger a positive. If you get a beta hcg drawn, then you can tell before 14 days post ovulation.

Can an ultrasound determine when you got pregnant?

Yes. The obstetrician can use the images from the ultrasound screening to date a pregnancy. The size of the fetus, placenta, and/or your uterus are some of the factors used to determine how far along you are in your pregnancy. However, scans performed earlier on in the pregnancy are generally more accurate than those performed later, since in the later part of pregnancy the measurements could be affected by growth variations and may not correctly reflect the fetal age.

When can you take tests to find out if you are pregnant?

You can take a pregnancy test from two weeks after you last had sex, this is the earliest a pregnancy test can detect pregnancy hormones - but be sure to check the packet to make sure it is sensitive enough to be used this early. It might also be a good idea to consider taking a pregnancy test at your doctors which can be more accurate.

Do you have to test for pregnancy in the morning even after you missed your period?

Yes - it is more accurate then