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Q: What position is most comfortable during intercourse?
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What is the most favourable position during intercourse to get pregnant?

vandals and spammers

How does a woman know when she reaches her climax stage during intercourse?

A woman reaching her climax during intercourse varies for each person. Most women feel an increase of tension during intercourse and a climax releases that tension.

What is the most comfortable bike riding position for long-distance cycling?

The most comfortable bike riding position for long-distance cycling is typically a relaxed and upright posture, with a slight bend in the elbows and knees. This position helps to reduce strain on the back, neck, and shoulders, allowing for better endurance and comfort during extended rides. Additionally, having the handlebars at a height that allows for a natural and comfortable reach can also contribute to a more enjoyable and sustainable cycling experience.

What is the comfiest position to do a poo in?

Most people find that the most comfortable position when needing to take a poo or a bowel movement is in a sitting position on a toilet. That is the most traditional way to have a bowel movement.

What is the recommended hand position on the stearing wheel?

10 and 2 o'clock are the most common, but do whatever is comfortable for you. for me personally, I have my hands at the 9 and 1 position because it's more comfortable for me.

What is the simplest sexual position?

Missionary or man on the top is the simplest, most common and popular method for sexual intercourse.

Which is the most effective position to shoot a basketball above the head chin height or chest height?

It depends on which position the shooter is comfortable at.

Can you get pregnant missionary style?

AnswerAt least in Western society, this is the most common position for sexual intercourse and thus the most common way to get pregnant.

Will a 15 year old boy pre-ejaculate during intercourse?

Most probably, yes.

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Sexual Intercourse. No joke.

What is a guy saposed to say during sex?

Most people don't converse during intercourse. both sexes usually moan.

What is the superlative for comfortable?

most comfortable.